The Fed’s current fiscal year ends in less than 90 days. What RFPs and subcontracts make sense to you? How can you allocate your time and position yourself for the best opportunities? 


As a government contractor engaged in Business Development, keywords are a great way to differentiate yourself. While NAICS codes are required, keywords are powerful. BC2 Match delivers keyword matching automatically.

BC2Match members match their keywords in 3 ways:

  • Federal RFP Titles
  • State and local RFP Titles, City, and Agency
  • With other BC2Match members

Members see matches on their Dashboards and choose keywords to describe their skills, deliverables, and outcomes.


What are the best NAICS for your business? In BC2Match, add as many NAICS as you like. Review the NAICS codes that are similar numerically and add them to your BC2Match Profile. See what displays on your Dashboard.

Use a group of NAICS for your industry and see what fish you catch. With 689 domestic NAICS codes, there are a lot from which to choose.


Federal expenditures for infrastructure, defense, health care, information technology, construction, and professional services are flowing and are multi-year.

BC2Match gives you the ability to:

  • Use keywords as your differentiator.
  • See federal, state, and local RFPs prioritized by your criteria in 1 place.
  • Connect with contractors based on common needs.
  • Export records of interest.
  • Use up to 11 criteria to find subs, primes, and teammates.

Every day, new opportunities hit BC2Match. When you match with a new federal opportunity, watch for our BC2Match email saying, “You’ve got a Match!”

Join Now and try us free for 7 days. It only takes 1 win of $40K, $400K, or $4M to be a BC2Match winner!