Insights and Trends

4% drop in Government Contracting – Signal?

4% drop in Government Contracting – Signal?

There was a small drop in Federal contracting in the 1st quarter of FY 2025. How come? What’s it mean for the year?    1Q FY23 saw posting of 35,000+ new opportunities on, while1Q FY24 had less than 34,000 listings. Although the Biden administration rushed to finish their desired contracting efforts, we believe this decline is due to...

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Government Contracting – What a Pain

Government Contracting – What a Pain

What is your biggest problem: Too many RFPs that sound great but don’t make sense? Not enough time to prepare proposals due to tight deadlines? Too many unqualified subcontractors? Can’t find a prime to help me win my 1st contract? Government contracting presents many challenges. Join BC2Match to find the right RFPs and partners and get an edge...

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Scope Future RFPs Now

Scope Future RFPs Now

What if you had more time before your RFP’s deadline? What if you knew about an RFP up to 12 months in advance?  BC2Match members get Expiring Contract Alerts when they match an expiring contract. Members see a contract’s value, incumbent, buying agency, date, and more.  BC2Match members use our Intelligent Matching to: Find government buyers....

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Looking for a subcontractor or supplier?

Looking for a subcontractor or supplier?

Many opportunities are so big that you need a team of subcontractors to bid all the tasks. Finding the best partner means searching and vetting possible players. BC2Match has the tools to find partners, check their capabilities, learn past history and get in touch. You see a Sources Sought notice that requires skills or experience in areas you...

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6 Weeks Until a New Fiscal Year

6 Weeks Until a New Fiscal Year

RFP volume continues to increase as we march to September 30th, the Fed’s fiscal yearend. Most likely, you’ve submitted a slew of proposals and are finalizing your last submissions. BC2Match members have told me they love: Getting our daily emails every day when they match an RFP. Seeing Expiring Contract Alerts (ECAs) up to 12 months in advance....

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