8(a)-certified*? Woman-owned? Service-disabled vet? Located in a HUBZone? If yes, there are set-asides for you.

If none of the above, there are set-asides for you, too

80% of the set-aside contracts offered by federal agencies are set-aside for any qualified small business – no other qualifications or certification are required. Add another 5% or so for each of the other categories. 

Specify your small business status in the Certs section of your BC2Match profile – relevant set-aside opportunities will then automatically move up in the My Rating section of your Federal dashboard.

Why spend time and effort competing with large businesses on full and open competitions when you can focus on set-asides and gain the advantage of competing only against smaller businesses similar in size to your company?

Got some experience under your belt? Ready to chase some of those larger opportunities? Use BC2Match’s unique Build My Team function to identify primes and subs and join forces to bid. 

(* You may have heard that a recent TN court case has challenged the 8(a) program. SBA is currently working to clarify adjustments to the certification process. During the interim, 8(a) applicants and already-certified companies will have to verify social disadvantage when asked, but the program is not expected to be terminated. Be sure to continue to be alert to opportunities.) 

Sign up today for a free trial at www.bc2match.com/limited-time-offer/ and learn how BC2Match is the best tool for you. Then, join me for our webinar at noon Thursday and let’s talk through the Tennessee development and how set-asides work. If you registered in the past, your username and password still work. If not, register at https://tinyurl.com/3k2xp2bw. We want to be your lead source for new opportunities. Reach out and let us know how we can help!